Test tube (Trailer)

Audiovisual installation in the Soundgalerie Ohrenhoch Berlin

It grumbles, jerks and yearns… 
Curator, loudspeaker installations: Knut Remond


The development of systems which can recognize, interpret, process and simulate human emotions goes ahead. This provokes questions: Where is the difference between artificial and real? What happens to indefinable moods?

In „Test Tube“ the measurement of human emotions is the topic.

Sounds and noises from our everyday life, which draw, reform and manipulate subconces emotions, are collected. This audio material is nested, taken apart or condensed in sound balls. Spoken words describe a possible meaning.

Fictive scenarios and undefinable ambiances arise and disappear again. It grumbles, jerks and yearns…

In this interplay/counterplay of fragmented ambiaces, the borders between artificial and real are demanded and varied.